Media Appearances

Media Appearances

NZBA - Insurers say no to database

- The Bankers’ Association is seeking to create a database of house insurance contracts to allow mortgage lenders to keep tabs on whether borrowers are keeping their homes adequately insured.
Media Appearances

NZ Herald - Close watch for house loan hints

- Hope said there was a risk that in capping the amount of lending done over the 80 per cent threshold it could spark third tier lenders to emerge and lend money on an unsecured basis.
Media Appearances

NZBA - New push for farm debt mediation

- “One relevant factor in this discussion is whether it’s justifiable for farms as businesses to be treated differently from other businesses that find themselves in financial difficulty. Any proposal for a special mediation service for farms would need to provide a good rationale for establishing a sector-specific service,” Kirk Hope said.
Media Appearances

NZ Herald - Banks want more ID to fight crime

- Chief executive Kirk Hope said, “We all have a role to play in the new anti-money laundering regime … This is about New Zealand’s international reputation and fighting crime.”
Media Appearances - Property surging outside Auckland

- Chief executive Kirk Hope said house prices were not being spurred along by looser credit conditions as the Reserve Bank claimed. Credit growth was running at about 3 per cent. “This isn’t a credit-driven price issue, it’s a supply-driven price issue,” he said.