Media Appearances

Media Appearances

Radio NZ - Government has ‘no choice’ over privacy info

- Parliament is considering legislation that would allow the Inland Revenue Department to collect contact details, bank account numbers and transactions of Americans living in New Zealand to pass on to tax authorities in the US. New Zealand Bankers Association chief executive Kirk Hope said if the information is not supplied, the Americans would impose hefty penalties... Read more »
Media Appearances

NBR - Reserve Bank backs down on loan rules

- “We’ve said all along that supply has always been the issue in parts of the housing market, not the availability of cheap credit,” said New Zealand Banker’s Association chief executive Kirk Hope.
Media Appearances

NZ Herald - Rush on for loan approval

- New Zealand Bankers’ Association chief executive Kirk Hope said people should be aware they may be declined loans because of the new restrictions and advised people to talk to their bank about individual needs and circumstances.
Media Appearances - RBNZ cracks down on mortgage lending

- “While there are positive moves to deal with the supply issue, that will take some time to be resolved. Credit growth, currently at around five per cent, is not driving this,” said New Zealand Bankers’ Association chief executive Kirk Hope.