Banks top satisfaction surveys

A recent survey has revealed that most people rate their bank highly, and that the banking sector in New Zealand rates well above other service sectors.

“Banks put a huge effort into customer service and it’s great to see this reflected in the survey results,” says New Zealand Bankers’ Association chief executive Kirk Hope.

The survey of 13,000 people conducted by Consumer NZ in August found that banks outshone other industries with an overall satisfaction rating of 92 per cent. By comparison, similar surveys found satisfaction for electricity companies was 78 per cent (June 2012), with 72 per cent for internet service providers (December 2011) and 55 per cent for appliance retailers (May 2012).

“Banks have lifted their game. Over the last five years we’ve seen an eight per cent increase in customer satisfaction.” A similar survey in 2007 found an overall bank satisfaction rating of 84 per cent.

“The high level of satisfaction with our banks shows how competitive the sector is. By providing excellent service, banks work hard to attract and keep their customers. This is good news for New Zealand households and businesses,” says Hope.