Media Appearances

Media Appearances

Newsroom - Heartland breaks ranks to allege ‘distorting’ behaviour by big banks

- The Banking Association, which represents all 18 registered banks, has not made a submission to the Commerce Commission inquiry, at this stage. Chief executive Roger Beaumont says he doesn’t intend to comment on others’ submissions, including those of the association’s member banks. “We wish to respect the market study process and let it run its course.” he says.
Media Appearances

Newsroom - ‘It’s going to be messy’: Banks underestimate threat of climate change

- “Climate reporting entities’ ability to correctly assess the full future physical risk from climate change will improve as they both gain a better understanding of which global scenario/pathway that we are heading down and as they gain better modelling capability to understand the physical risks that climate change creates within each scenario,” he says.
Media Appearances - Commerce Commission says which bank gets our savings and home loans could reveal whether there’s enough bank competition

- Industry group, the New Zealand Banking Association, said the Commerce Commission’s preliminary issues paper was comprehensive and shows an understanding of key issues in personal banking.“In particular, the focus on the significant current regulatory requirements as well as those in train will  provide important context to competition and barriers in the industry.”